Sunday, January 8, 2012

To our future baby

My future baby

I know you're up there flying,
with each pretty wing.
You think about who you want your mommy and daddy to be,
while you fly around and sing.

I hope you pick me to be your mommy,
it would make me the happiest as can be,
And if you pick Brandon as your daddy,
you will be loved far beyond they eye can see.

If you decide to be a girl, your name will be SummerLynn,
you will be named after people who made an impact on me.
Mommy will always be there for you and always listen,
Their love and legacy will live on through you, and you will see.

Now if you want to be a boy, your name will be James.
You will become Daddy's little buddy,
He will teach you everything you will need to know when you grow up.

We will love you with every fiber in our hearts :) We can't wait to meet you!!!

Love you Mommy and Daddy